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Peru - Final Regulatory Action
Methamidophos CAS number:
Date circular:

Chemical name: O,S-dimethyl phosphoramidothioate

Final regulatory action has been taken for the category: Pesticide

Final regulatory action: The chemical is Banned

Use or uses prohibited by the final regulatory action:

All formulations (all phytosanitary applications).

The final regulatory action was based on a risk or hazard evaluation: Yes

Summary of the final regulatory action:

As of 30 November 2020, the use of chemical pesticides for agricultural use that contain the active ingredient Methamidophos.
As of 15 February 2020, the importation of chemical pesticides for agricultural use and products containing the active ingredient Methamidophos.
As of 15 February 2020, the registration of new chemical pesticides for agricultural use containing the active ingredient Methamidophos.
As of 30 November 2020, the importation, manufacture, formulation, distribution, marketing, storage and/or packaging of chemical pesticides for agricultural use or products containing the active ingredient Methamidophos.

The reasons for the final regulatory action were relevant to: Human health and environment

Summary of known hazards and risks to human health:

Under Article 420 of the Regulation of the National System of Pesticides for Agricultural Use (Supreme Decree No. 001-2015-MINAGRI), the General Directorate of Environmental Health and Food Safety- DIGESA of the Ministry of Health is responsible for the registration evaluation regarding pesticides for agricultural use, related to risks for human health, and also for the surveillance and control of such inputs within its sphere of competence. By means of Report No. 1655-2012-DEPA/DIGESA, the General Directorate of Environmental Health (DIGESA) of the Ministry of Health, indicates, among others, the risk represented by this product which can cause damage to the human health, given the information set out in the chemical safety data sheet, where high toxicity is found if inhaled, ingested or in contact with the skin, and the exposure can be fatal. The report concludes emphasizing that from the point of view of environmental health and in application of the precautionary principle, the use of Methamidophos, among others, pesticides mentioned, should not be allowed due to the high toxicological risk. Subsequently, with Official Letter No. 005135-2019/DCEA/DlGESA dated 1.2019, DIGESA issues Report No. 010684-2019/DCEA/DIGESA, in which it is concluded that, from the review and evaluation of the information contained in the international reference, RATIFIES the conclusion contained in Report No. 1655-2012-DEPA/DIGESA, regarding the use prohibition of the active ingredient Methamidophos for agricultural use pesticides, due to its high toxicological risk; even more considering that it is included in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention, to which Peru is Party, assumes the commitments to avoid risks for the human health and damage to the environment.
DIGESA report can be found attached.

Summary of known hazards and risks to the environment:

Under article 420 of the Regulation of the National System of Pesticides for Agricultural Use (Supreme Decree No. 001-2015-MINAGRI), the General Directorate of Environmental Health and Agriculture - the DGAAA of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation is responsible for the evaluation inherent to the registry of pesticides for agricultural use, regarding the environmental aspects; and also for the surveillance and control of said inputs within its sphere of competence. By means of Report No. 526-11-AG-DVM-DGAAA-DGA-94633-2011, the DGAAA, indicates that it is an extremely dangerous substance, according to the information registered on the environmental fate; with high mobility, very soluble, high water runoff, stable to hydrolysis and aquatic photolysis and has a high potential for groundwater's leaching. According to the evaluation of the ecotoxicological data, Methamidophos is extremely and highly toxic to birds, highly toxic to bees, moderately toxic to aquatic vertebrate organisms, very toxic to earthworms and extremely toxic to invertebrate aquatic organisms. The DGAAA recommends, that applying the precautionary principle, due to the negative effects for the environment and the risks to human health, to do not issue environmental approval of Methamidophos, requesting SENASA to cancel Methamidophos-based registrations as well as not granting new registrations of pesticides with this active ingredient.
Subsequently, with Official Letter No. 1424-2019-MINAGRI-DVDIAR-DGAAA dated 12.10.2019, issues report No. 0023-2019-MINAGRI-DVDIAR/DGAAA-DGAA-CSCH, in which after the evaluation carried out, it is concluded, among others, that:
1) Regarding its toxicity, the active ingredient Methamidophos is classified as Highly Toxic to birds, water fleas and bees.
2) Considering its high ecotoxicological risk in aquatic organisms and due to the persistence of the active ingredient Methamidophos in water bodies, it is detrimental to the conservation of aquatic life, especially for water fleas.
Likewise, due to its high residual power in plants that are part of the bird's diet, Methamidophos is harmful, causing alterations to exposed birds during the application and post-application stages.
And last, the DGAAA concludes with the NON-REGISTRATION and CANCELLATION of chemical pesticides for agricultural use containing the active ingredient Methamidophos.

Date of entry into force of the final regulatory action: 15/02/2020